Armour Shield - Onsite Coating Solutions - Sydney NSW Australia - Protective Coatings, Epoxy Floor Coatings, Polished Concrete Flooring, Anti Graffiti & Industrial Coatings. 
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Armourshield boasts a high level of knowledge in the protective coatings industry. We can consult and provide an onsite protective coatings service to the construction, industrial and commercial industries.

This protective coatings service includes onsite coating of primers, intermediate and top coats. Surface preparation includes power tool cleaning and abrasive blasting.

Armour Shields protective coatings service also includes:
  • Full recoats.
  • Touch up painting.
  • Spray, brush or roller applications.

ENQUIRE ONLINE or call us on 0437 378 661 for all your protective coating needs.

PROTECTIVE COATINGS, Onsite Structural Steel, Protective Coatings, 67
PROTECTIVE COATINGS, industrial Coatings, Locomotive Engine, 77
PROTECTIVE COATINGS, Industrial Coatings, Locomotive Engine 2, 78
PROTECTIVE COATINGS, Shipping containers, Sydney Water.
Abrasive blast.
2 coats of high build epoxy to achieve a dft of 350 microns, 86
PROTECTIVE COATINGS, Epping to Chatswood Rail Link, Lift Shaft. Power tool clean all site welds to AS 1627.2 apply a three coat system followed by a full onsite recoat of the structure.
5 Lift shafts in total, 89
PROTECTIVE COATINGS, Macquarie Park Cavern Entry Roof, Protective coating on one of five cavern entry roofs of the Epping to Chatswood Rail Link, 100
PROTECTIVE COATINGS, Protective coatings, A three coat protective coating system by International Paints was applied by Armourshhield over a 16 month period. Epping to Chatswood Rail Link, 101
PROTECTIVE COATINGS, Onsite Protective Coatings, All onsite touch up work can be done by Armourshield. In this case the site welds needed treatment to AS 1627.2 before the protective coating was applied. The final metalic coat is then sprayed to leave a perfect site finish., 127
PROTECTIVE COATINGS, Canberra, Armourshield was employed to apply a full coat of epoxy MIO to this building on London Circuit, Canberra, 129
PROTECTIVE COATINGS, Boc Gasses, This large tank was coated by Armourshield using a Jotun System.
We were called on a Thursday and had the job complete for the Monday deadline. Our client was very pleased with the results., 138
PROTECTIVE COATINGS, , An Armourshield contractor hangs over 200 metres above George Street Sydney performing maintenance on a building spire.
The spire was showing signs of corrosion from installation damage. The solution was to team up with a specialist Access company, Industrial Rope Access.
Prepare the surface to AS 1627.2. Apply epoxy zinc primer, intermediate and polysiloxane top coat from International Paints.
The picture was featured on the front page of the Sydney Morning Herald 29-6-09
, 243

© Copyright 2025 Armour Shield - Onsite Coating Solutions - Sydney NSW Australia - Domestic, Commercial & Industrial Coatings.
Protective Coatings, Colorbond® Steel Re-coating, Epoxy Floor Coatings & Polished Concrete Flooring, Industrial & Anti Graffiti Coatings.
COLORBOND® steel is a registered trademark of BlueScope Steel Limited.
siteby: thomasmarsden